Cranes / Getting High / StagingSkip Schiappa can get up there from here ! Cape Cod Roofing & Siding / Skip Schiappa 800-734-7663 / is the guy you call upon when you absolutely have to get up there! Licensed, trained and well experienced over 34 years. Regardless of equipment, situation or time… Skip knows how to get it done. Call us today ! Find us on the following .coms’s: FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, YOUTUBE, ALIGNABLE, PORCH. BLUE BOOK of CONSTRUCTION, TWITTER. Review all the pictures here on our website and all those on our .com partners listed above! All work was performed, supervised or consulted upon by Skip Schiappa. residential-commercial-industrial-institutional-historic roofers, siders and exterior envelope experts. also use “website getting high page pdf/ the minor script and 2 photos